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Wild Dried Flowers Bouquet
Wild Dried Flowers Bouquet

Wild Dried Flowers Bouquet


Only 4 left in stock

Bring the natural beauty of the countryside into your home with our dried flowers bouquet. This stunning arrangement is handcrafted with delicate, dried blooms, making it a perfect addition to your home decor or as a gift for a loved one. The timeless charm of this bouquet is sure to make any room feel more tranquil and peaceful.

This dried flowers bouquet is also eco-friendly, as it is made with natural, dried flowers that will last for over a year without requiring water or maintenance.

Dimensions: H - 35cm /14",
W - 20cm / 8"

Each bouquet is unique and may have a slight variation. The dimensions may vary more or less by cm or two. The measurements based on the highest and the widest point of the bouquet. Vase is not included.

Please contact us if you would like to order custom design or bulk order at