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White Natural Dried Flowers Bouquet
White Natural Dried Flowers Bouquet

White Natural Dried Flowers Bouquet


Only 0 left in stock

The White Natural Dried Flowers Bouquet is a beautiful arrangement of natural, preserved flowers and foliage in various shades of white and cream. It has a rustic, bohemian feel that is perfect for adding a touch of whimsy and natural elegance to any space.

The bouquet features a mix of dried flowers, including pampas grass, bunny tails, and sola wood flowers.

This bouquet is hand-crafted and carefully arranged to create a balanced and harmonious display.

This bouquet is a perfect addition to any home decor or as a gift for a loved one. It is low-maintenance and will last for a long time with proper care, making it a beautiful and sustainable choice. Its timeless and natural beauty is sure to bring joy and calm to any room.

Dimensions: H - 35cm / 14",
W - 20cm / 8"

Each bouquet is unique and may have a slight variation. The dimensions may vary more or less by cm or two. The measurements based on the highest and the widest point of the bouquet. Vase is not included.

This bouquet is carefully packaged and shipped to ensure it arrives in perfect condition. To maintain its beauty, simply dust the flowers occasionally and avoid placing them in direct sunlight or humid areas.

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